Corrupted Memory

Project Description

Corrupted Memory, you are a security specialist sent to investigate a futuristic supermarket that has been taken over by a rogue AI. You must fight off the AI by scanning corrupted merchandise stopping the AI from spreading to the rest of the world.

This project was created as part of a 3rd year university project. The project was created using Unreal Engine 5.1, C++, Nodejs and JavaScript. The project was created in solo testing my ability to create scalable backend systems including a custom lobby system using Expressjs and Websockets.

Webserver Source Client Source

Project Features

Unreal Engine 5.1 C++ JavaScript Windows Client Linux Server
  • 3D
  • Multiplayer
  • Custom Lobby System
  • RPCs
  • Dedicated UE5 Server
  • Websockets
  • Webservers
  • SQL Database
  • JWT Authentication
  • Password Hashing via Bcrypt

My Contributions

Lobby System

The Lobby System was created using Nodejs, Expressjs, Websockets and SQL. It was designed to be scalable and able to be used in any dedicated server based UE5 project. The system was designed to be able to handle multiple lobbies at once and to be able to handle up to 4 players in each game. Using Websockets the lobby system is able to display real time information to the players in the lobby such as the current players in the lobby and their ready state.

The Client communicates with the server via basic web requests and websockets. Web API requests are used to handle the creation of lobbies, joining of lobbies, leaving of lobbies, and logging in actions that don't particularly need to be real time. Websockets are used to handle the real time actions such as the updating of the lobby information and the ready state of the players in the lobby.

Lobby Snippet Lobby Snippet

Authentication and Security

For the Authentication of web requests I used JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) to authenticate the requests. The JWTs were created using a secret key that was stored on the server via .env files that are manually added for security. The JWTs are created when users login producing a session that can be verified by the server this token is then stored in the games instance class so that the information is retained over different levels. I also used Bcrypt a popular and widely tested algorithm to hash the passwords of the users when they are stored in the database. This is done to ensure that if the database is ever compromised the passwords are not stored in plain text.

Players are assigned permissions ie. 'JOIN_LOBBY', 'CREATE_LOBBY', 'DELETE_ACCOUNT' etc. These are used to regulate what actions the player can perform on the server. These permissions are stored in the database and are assigned to the player when they login. This is done to ensure that players can only perform actions that they are allowed to perform.

Security Snippet Security Snippet
Security Snippet Security Snippet


Database Snippet

The database was created using mariadb a SQL based database and was designed to be able to store all the information required for the lobby system and normalised to do so. The database was designed to be able to store the users information such as their username, password, and permissions. The database was also designed to be able to store the information about the lobbies such as the lobby name, the players in the lobby, the players ready state, the server port, the server state and the creator of the lobby. The database by design is able to handle multiple lobbies at once and can handle up to 4 players in each game.